Distribution API
The Distribution API allows partners to integrate to sell tickets on other marketplaces & platforms. Sellers can configure which events & tickets are available for distribution with the partners.
The API allows you to list available sellers, available events, availabilities for the events and book tickets for them.
Authentication for the Distribution API is separate from the other vivenu APIs. You need a secret API key & a registered distributor type that identifies your integration.
- a secret API key provided to you by vivenu.x-distributor-type
- a string that identifies your integration.
With this you can access all sellers that have enabled your integration, for the events and tickets that they enabled for distribution through you.
The DistributionSeller Object
The unique id for the seller
The name of the seller
{"distributorId": "string","name": "string"}
The DistributionEvent Object
The unique id for the event
The name of the event
The event start date & time
The currency the prices for this event are in
The timezone of the event
Whether the event is recurring
The type of seating for this event
The available offers for this event
The unique id for the offer
The name of the offer
The price for the offer
Optional Attributes
Collapse allOptional Attributes
Collapse all{"eventId": "string","name": "string","location": {"name": "string","line1": "string","line2": "string","city": "string","postalCode": "string","state": "string","country": "string"},"information": {"category": "string","subCategory": "string"},"start": "string","end": "string","currency": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","timezone": "string","isRecurring": true,"seatingType": "None","offers": [{"offerId": "string","name": "string","meta": {},"price": 10.5}],"timeSlots": [{"startTime": {"hour": 10.5,"minute": 10.5},"offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}
The DistributionAvailability Object
The unique id for the event
The unique id for the availibility
The name of the event
The event start date & time
The timezone of the event
When sales start for the event
When sales end for the event
The currency prices for this event are in
The available offers for this event
The unique id for the offer
The name of the offer
The price for the offer
The amount of tickets available for this offer
Optional Attributes
Collapse allOptional Attributes
Collapse all{"eventId": "string","availibilityId": "string","name": "string","start": "string","end": "string","timezone": "string","salesStart": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","salesEnd": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","currency": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","offers": [{"offerId": "string","name": "string","price": 10.5,"available": 1,"meta": {}}],"timeSlots": [{"startTime": {"hour": 10.5,"minute": 10.5},"offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}
The DistributionSeatingGroup Object
The event of the seating tuples
The availibility of the seating tuples
The seating group of the seating tuples
The type of seating group
Optional Attributes
Collapse all{"eventId": "string","availabityId": "string","groupId": "string","type": "Seats","tuples": [{"seats": [{"seatId": "string","sectionName": "string","rowName": "string","seatName": "string","offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}],"availability": 1,"statusId": "string"}
The DistributionCheckout Object
The ID of the checkout
The status of the checkout
The ID of the distributor
Optional Attributes
Collapse all{"checkoutId": "string","transactionId": "string","status": "NEW","distributorId": "string","expiresAt": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
The DistributionTransaction Object
The ID of the transaction
The ID of the distributor
The status of the transaction
Optional Attributes
Collapse all{"transactionId": "string","distributorId": "string","status": "NEW","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
Get all sellers.
The amount of sellers to skip
The maximum amount of sellers to return
{"docs": [{"distributorId": "string","name": "string"}],"total": 1}
Get all events for a seller.
The seller to get events for
The start date for the events
The end date for the events
The maximum amount of events to return
The amount of events to skip
{"docs": [{"eventId": "string","name": "string","location": {"name": "string","line1": "string","line2": "string","city": "string","postalCode": "string","state": "string","country": "string"},"information": {"category": "string","subCategory": "string"},"start": "string","end": "string","currency": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","timezone": "string","isRecurring": true,"seatingType": "None","offers": [{"offerId": "string","name": "string","meta": {},"price": 10.5}],"timeSlots": [{"startTime": {"hour": 10.5,"minute": 10.5},"offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}],"total": 1}
Get an event for a seller.
The seller to get events for
{"eventId": "string","name": "string","location": {"name": "string","line1": "string","line2": "string","city": "string","postalCode": "string","state": "string","country": "string"},"information": {"category": "string","subCategory": "string"},"start": "string","end": "string","currency": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","timezone": "string","isRecurring": true,"seatingType": "None","offers": [{"offerId": "string","name": "string","meta": {},"price": 10.5}],"timeSlots": [{"startTime": {"hour": 10.5,"minute": 10.5},"offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}
Get the availabilities for an event.
The seller to get events for
The start date for the events
The end date for the events
The maximum amount of events to return
The amount of events to skip
{"docs": [{"eventId": "string","availibilityId": "string","name": "string","start": "string","end": "string","timezone": "string","salesStart": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","salesEnd": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","currency": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","offers": [{"offerId": "string","name": "string","price": 10.5,"available": 1,"meta": {}}],"timeSlots": [{"startTime": {"hour": 10.5,"minute": 10.5},"offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}],"total": 1}
Get seating groups for an event.
The seller to get events for
{"docs": [{"eventId": "string","availabityId": "string","groupId": "string","type": "Seats","tuples": [{"seats": [{"seatId": "string","sectionName": "string","rowName": "string","seatName": "string","offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}],"availability": 1,"statusId": "string"}],"total": 1}
Get the state for a seating group.
The seller to get events for
{"eventId": "string","availabityId": "string","groupId": "string","type": "Seats","tuples": [{"seats": [{"seatId": "string","sectionName": "string","rowName": "string","seatName": "string","offers": [{"offerId": "string"}]}]}],"availability": 1,"statusId": "string"}
Create a checkout.
The distributor to create a checkout for
The tickets to create a checkout for
The offer to create a checkout for
The event to create a checkout for
The event to create a tickets for
The price of the ticket
Optional Attributes
Collapse allOptional Attributes
Collapse all{"externalReferenceId": "string","distributorId": "string","tickets": [{"offerId": "string","eventId": "string","availabilityId": "string","price": 10.5,"seatId": "string"}]}
{"checkoutId": "string","transactionId": "string","status": "NEW","distributorId": "string","expiresAt": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
Get a checkout.
The distributor to fetch the checkout for
{"checkoutId": "string","transactionId": "string","status": "NEW","distributorId": "string","expiresAt": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
Complete a checkout.
The distributor to create a checkout for
The customer to create a checkout for
The first name of the customer
The last name of the customer
The email of the customer
Optional Attributes
Collapse all{"distributorId": "string","customer": {"firstName": "string","lastName": "string","company": "string","phone": "string","address": {"lineOne": "string","lineTwo": "string","city": "string","postal": "string","state": "string","country": "string"}}}
{"checkoutId": "string","transactionId": "string","status": "NEW","distributorId": "string","expiresAt": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
Abort a checkout.
The distributor to abort a checkout for
{"distributorId": "string"}
{"checkoutId": "string","transactionId": "string","status": "NEW","distributorId": "string","expiresAt": "2030-01-23T23:00:00.123Z","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}
Cancel a transaction.
The distributor to cancel a checkout for
{"distributorId": "string"}
{"transactionId": "string","distributorId": "string","status": "NEW","tickets": [{"ticketId": "string","offerId": "string","barcode": "string","url": "string","eventId": "string"}]}